Números de la revista
1. ISSUE: 5
Volumen: 01, Número: 05 - May/July 2002 - ISSUE: 52. Artículos
Research article
Métodos para avaliação da postura estratégica
Methods for evaluation of the strategic posture
Coelho de Azevedo, Marilena
Resumen: A avaliação da postura estratégica organizacional é um processo discutido por vários autores. Na literatura encontram-se diversos registros sobre métodos desenvolvidos com tal objetivo. No entanto, estes registros estão dispersos e, em geral, apresentam uma análise isolada e específica, induzindo à perda de visão global e a erros graves de avaliação. O presente artigo apresenta uma compilação das observações encontradas na literatura a respeito deste tema, fornecendo ao leitor um referencial com uma visão global sobre este assunto.
Abstract: The evaluation of the organizational strategic posture is a process discussed by several authors. In the literature they are several registrations on methods developed with such an objective. However, these registrations are dispersed and, in general, they present an isolated and specific analysis, inducing to the loss of global vision and serious mistakes of evaluation. The present article presents a compilation of the observations found in the literature regarding this theme, supplying the reader a referential with a global vision on this subject.
Research article
Planeación estratégica de tecnología de información en entornos dinámicos e inciertos
Strategic planification of technology of information in dynamic and uncertain environments
Clempner Kerik, Julio
Resumen: Propuesta de un modelo conceptuado bajo un dominio de aplicación dinámico, que integra las visiones estratégicas de negocio/organizacional, con la visión estratégica de Tecnología de Información (TI) en una visión única final. La construcción está basada en tres conceptos: interacción, adaptación y evolución.
Abstract: Proposal of a model considered under a dynamic application domain that integrates the strategic visions of business - organizational, with the strategic vision of Technology of Information (TI) in a final unique vision. The construction is based on three concepts: interaction, adaptation and evolution.
Research article
La declinación en la soberanía del transporte por agua: ¿un problema de seguridad?
The decline in the sovereignty of the transport for water: a problem of security?
Ferrari, Carlos Alfredo
Resumen: Se analiza el ocaso de la Marina Mercante Argentina tratándolo como un caso que afectó a la Seguridad Nacional. Se fundamenta en la pérdida de soberanía en el transporte acuático, en el perjuicio que se evidenció sobre el desarrollo económico del país, y en la merma que significa no contar, en caso de eventual conflicto, con transportes de alternativa así como tampoco con astilleros que puedan rápidamente reprogramarse hacia funciones de asistencia bélicas. Se analizan las responsabilidades del sector gremial, armador y político en las decisiones adoptadas, las que han resultado ser homogéneas con las adoptadas en los restantes sectores de la economía, produciendo todo ello, a los inicios del 2002, síntomas de descomposición del Estado.
Abstract: The Merchant Marina's decline Argentina is analyzed treating him as a case that affected to the National Security. It is based in the loss of sovereignty in the aquatic transport, in the damage that was evidenced on the economic development of the country, and in the reduction that means not to count, in the event of eventual conflict, with transports of alternative as well as neither with navy that quickly can be reprogrammed toward warlike functions of attendance. The responsibilities of the union sector are analyzed, constructor and political in the adopted decisions, those that have turned out to be homogeneous with those adopted in the remaining sectors of the economy, producing everything it, to the beginnings of the 2002, symptoms of decomposition of the State.