Números de la revista
1. ISSUE: 31
Volumen: 06, Número: 03 - July/September 2007 - ISSUE: 312. Artículos
Research article
Desenvolvimento de estratégias para um espaço de competição novo
Strategic model for new competitive places
Manucci, Marcelo
Resumen: O desenvolvimento de estratégias é o que permite a uma organização criar e manter um vínculo com o ambiente. O modelo apresentado contém uma metodologia de reflexão e desenho de uma proposta competitiva para gerar resultados numa empresa. Tenta desenvolver um processo de mudança e aprendizagem, gradual, sólido e contínuo, que permite à empresas guiar a sua estrutura para um espaço de competição novo.
Abstract: The development of strategies it is allows an organization to create and to keep a bond with the environment. The presented model contains a methodology of reflection and drawing of a competitive proposal to generate resulted in a company. It tries to develop a process of change and learning, gradual, solid and continuous. This process allows the companies to guide its structure for a new place of competition.
Research article
Servicios profesionales en el mercado de capitales: algunas reflexiones en torno al buen gobierno corporativo y a la construcción y cuidado del control interno en las entidades emisoras
Professional services in capital markets: some reflections about corporate governance and construction and care of internal control in securities issuers
Pungitore, José Luis
Resumen: Este trabajo es acerca del perfil profesional necesario para crear un marco para la atracción de inversiones a largo plazo y de calidad en el mercado de capitales de la República Argentina, y las oportunidades de servicios que pueden brindar los profesionales en Ciencias Económicas.
Abstract: This paper is about the professional profil needed for the creation of a framework that were able to attract long term and quality investments in capital markets in Argentina, and the opportunities of services to be rendered for economic sciences professionals.
Research article
Network designs as agribusiness architecture: The Bioceres SA case
Network designs as agribusiness architecture:The Bioceres SA case
Napolitano, G.
Ordóñez, H.
Senesi, S.
Resumen: Argentina is an important producer of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum); notwithstanding, the volume generated must grow based on an increase in productivity and an expansion of the productive frontier by adding new regions, so as to increase exports and improve business for the producing companies. Both aspects are related to the corresponding development of genetics; therefore, investment in research and development of new varieties is key.As a consequence of poor implementation and problems with the juridical interpretation of Law 20.247 of Seeds and Phytogenetic Creation, added to the fact that INASE (the National Seed Institute) does not adequately perform its role as controller of the system, the business of wheat seed in Argentina becomes diluted. This is due basically to the proliferation of seed without State control (bolsa blanca), hidden under the guise of “seed for one’s own use” that does not pay royalties for the developer. Bioceres SA deals with this business culture at variance with the law and technological development by means of a network type of internal design coupled to an external network architecture with clients and suppliers. The company manages a network of contracts that supports a genetics and seed business under the umbrella of the BioInta denomination, obtaining the developments needed by the sector, the companies and the country.
Abstract: Argentina is an important producer of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum); notwithstanding, the volume generated must grow based on an increase in productivity and an expansion of the productive frontier by adding new regions, so as to increase exports and improve business for the producing companies. Both aspects are related to the corresponding development of genetics; therefore, investment in research and development of new varieties is key.As a consequence of poor implementation and problems with the juridical interpretation of Law 20.247 of Seeds and Phytogenetic Creation, added to the fact that INASE (the National Seed Institute) does not adequately perform its role as controller of the system, the business of wheat seed in Argentina becomes diluted. This is due basically to the proliferation of seed without State control (bolsa blanca), hidden under the guise of “seed for one’s own use” that does not pay royalties for the developer. Bioceres SA deals with this business culture at variance with the law and technological development by means of a network type of internal design coupled to an external network architecture with clients and suppliers. The company manages a network of contracts that supports a genetics and seed business under the umbrella of the BioInta denomination, obtaining the developments needed by the sector, the companies and the country.