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Técnica Administrativa


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Research article

Small and medium enterprise innovation in region of Antofagasta - Chile

Romanni, Gianni ⓘ
Investigador Responsable Universidad Católica del Norte. Antofagasta. Chile

Atienza, Miguel ⓘ
Doctor en Ciencias Económicas – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Director of Human Development Regional Observatory,
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business.
Universidad Católica del Norte – Chile


The aim of this study is to analyze the innovative potential of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Region of Antofagasta. The results of a cuestionnaire applied to 50 SMEs considered as innovative according to OCDE criteria show a contradictory situation: there is an increasing awareness of the importance of innovation in the region while many obstacles to innovate are recognized. This constrains can affect negatively the project of creating an industrial and service cluster around mining in the region.


Palabras Clave:

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), Innovation, Regional SME


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Small and medium enterprise innovation in region of Antofagasta - Chile


Ciencia y Técnica Administrativa - CyTA

Version of Record - VoR

Journal: Técnica Administrativa

Volume: 04, Number: 6, Order: 2; [ISSUE:24]

Date of publisher: 2005-10-15


License: Atribución 4.0 - Internacional (CC BY 4.0)

© Ciencia y Técnica Administrativa

Registro ISSN:1666-1680

Cita del artículo

Romanni, Gianni ; Atienza, Miguel ; (2005). Small and medium enterprise innovation in region of Antofagasta - Chile. Técnica Administrativa. 04(6), 2.

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